The Home Funeral Industry is gaining momentum as more and more people are becoming educated on how to care for their loved ones themselves after death, if they so choose. It is not only possible, but is achievable with assistance from local home funeral guides, and is becoming an increasingly preferred method in lieu of the traditional funeral. Home funerals and wakes provide a level of intimacy and control, that traditional funerals do not always allow. Many find that being involved in the after death care and services of their loved ones, offer healing to be being able to spend more time with their loved ones after they pass.
My End Of Life Northwest is dedicated to assisting you in arranging and facilitating your own Home Funeral or Wake.
These services include:
Connecting you with a local Home Funeral Guide so you can better understand the process of home funerals, wakes, green burials and green cremations.
Assisting in postmortem care and preparations of you or your loved one after death
Assistance in arranging preparations for transport and disposition of you or your loved one after home funeral
Assistance in securing the necessary permits and paperwork required by the State of Washington to transport your loved one
Assisting in helping to arrange services for family and friends